
Is interstellar travel really possible or just a distant dream?

For ages, humans have been daydreaming, pondering, and chatting about the idea of traveling to far-off stars, discovering planets where we could live, and setting up shop there. Eventually, the offspring of these brave explorers might establish a fresh society, and who…

Swedish criminals using Spotify to pull off easy money laundering

Money laundering is like a sneaky puzzle that criminals solve to make their ill-gotten gains look totally legit. They go through a bunch of tricky steps to hide the fact that the money is from shady stuff, so it seems like it’s all clean and legal. To kick things off…

What makes dust swirl so quickly on the Moon without wind

Moon dust, or lunar regolith, is pretty intriguing and puzzling stuff. Picture it as this fine, powdery substance that came to be after eons of little meteorite smacks, grinding rocks into these itty-bitty pieces. What’s quirky about this lunar dust is that it’s…
Data PrivacyInternet

Are women more susceptible to cybercrimes than men?

In today’s digital era, our daily lives are deeply connected to the internet, offering immense convenience but also exposing us to a range of cybercrimes. Regrettably, a significant gender gap is evident in the field of online security, leaving women more susceptible…

After Chandrayaan-3's success will ISRO foray into space tourism?

After successfully landing the Chandrayaan-3 on the lunar surface, ISRO has created history, becoming only the fourth nation to land a rover on the Moon. The space agency has also become the first one to land a rove on the South Pole of the Moon. The mission is still going…
Smart Watches

Essential upgrades Google's next Pixel Watch should bring

Google entered the mobile tech arena a bit late, which might seem odd since it’s the one behind Android. Their Google Pixel phones, starting from the sixth generation, have now become serious contenders against Apple and Samsung. Plus, they’re branching out with…