
ISS turns 25: Some interesting facts about the space laboratory

Recently, the International Space Station (ISS) celebrated its 25th anniversary since the first module blasted off into space. The Zarya module made its way to low-Earth orbit in November 1998, and the Unity module joined it in less than a month. Over the past 25 years, the…

Why is Europe not at the forefront of the spacetech race?

Last month, there were reports that the European Space Agency (ESA) joined forces with SpaceX to send four Galileo satellites into orbit in 2024. They opted for Elon Musk’s US company because Europe’s Ariane 6 rockets faced delays, leaving the continent without a…

Is living on Mars really possible or just a far-fetched dream?

Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos might dream big about sending millions to Mars, the moon, and space habitats, but a new book wisely suggests: Take it easy, don’t be too adventurous. Kelly and Zach Weinersmith didn’t anticipate offering this advice when they started…

ESA's big plan to eliminate new space debris within a decade

What should we do about all that space debris? We’re aware of the increasing amount of debris up there, and we’re the ones to blame for it. Now, our planet is surrounded by a ring of orbital trash, and the ESA has a plan to quit adding to the mess. You…

What is ISRO's big plan to send humans into space?

In 2025, India aims to send its first-ever crewed spaceflight, launching astronauts on an Indian spacecraft from within the country. On October 21, ISRO performed an uncrewed in-flight abort test. Around one minute into the flight, the Crew Escape System was activated for a…

What does ISRO have in store for the future?

On October 21, ISRO nailed the test for its Crew Escape System (CES), a key step in their Gaganyaan human space travel program. The team will now go through all the data from the mission and has plans for three more tests to make sure all the tech is up to par and the crew…

Will astronomers ever be able to study exoplanet volcanoes?

Even with the best telescope images, astronomers will still be in the dark without a solid grasp of physics, especially regarding light. Interpreting scientific data from telescopic images, such as those from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), requires a deep…

Are Pulsars the answer to the Dark Matter mystery?

Astronomers are still scratching their heads, trying out all sorts of wild ideas to hunt you down. Like this new thing in Physical Review Letters saying if you’re actually these axion thingies, we might catch your leftover glimmer around pulsars. So, for this whole…

Are asteroids the right place to look for the heaviest elements?

One reason why asteroid mining is so hot among industrial folks is that these space rocks pack a massive stash of heavy elements. NASA’s Psyche spacecraft just took off this week, zooming toward an asteroid that’s loaded with rare-earth elements and other heavy…

Here's what EU's 5 futuristic technologies will test in space

The EU just launched some seriously futuristic gear into space on a Vega rocket that took off from the European spaceport in French Guyana. They sent six satellites and nine experiments up there to put them through their paces. This program’s goal is to give the…

How an Omega watch changed the way NASA fixes the ISS

Since the year 2000, the International Space Station has been zooming through space at a blazing 17,500 mph, cruising a cool 260 miles above us. This high-speed orbit lets its crew of seven astronauts catch stunning views of nearly the entire Earth every 90 minutes. But if…